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Eu-ropa, Eu-angelo, ed UmaNITA’ .... contro l’omofobia e la cultura della morte!!!

SALVARE PEGAH. CARA "LONDRA" ... L’estradizione di Pegah Emambakhsh non sarebbe semplicemente un’ingiustizia, PER L’INGHILTERRA E L’EUROPA SAREBBE SOLO UN’IMMANE CECITA’ E UNA VERGOGNA PLANETARIA. Un articolo-appello di JOHN LLOYD, un’intervista a Pegah, e (a seguire) una proposta di SALVATORE CONTE - a cura di pfls

mercoledì 5 settembre 2007 di Maria Paola Falchinelli
[...] Pegah Emambakhsh ha trovato rifugio nel Regno Unito nel 2005, in seguito all’arresto, alla tortura e alla condanna a morte per lapidazione della sua partner sessuale (non è chiaro, ad ogni buon conto, se la sentenza è stata eseguita o lo sarà in futuro). La sua domanda di asilo però è stata respinta: secondo l’Asylum Seeker Support Initiative di Sheffield, dove Pegah si trova rinchiusa in un centro di detenzione, quando le è stato chiesto di fornire le prove della sua omosessualità e (...)

In risposta a:

> SALVARE PEGAH. CARA "LONDRA" ... L’estradizione di Pegah Emambakhsh non sarebbe semplicemente un’ingiustizia, PER L’INGHILTERRA E L’EUROPA ... La risposta di MICHAEL PETRELIS alla proposta del dott. Salvatore Conte.

lunedì 27 agosto 2007

La risposta di Michael Petrelis alla proposta del dott. Salvatore Conte (fls).

Original Message -----

From: To: ; Cc: ; ; Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 2:08 AM Subject: Re: Pegah: asylum and why not a simple hosting?

-  In a message dated 8/26/2007 3:41:13 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
- writes:

Dear Great Man,

-  please anyone has thought about the legal chance to simply propose a common hosting in Europe for Pegah?
-  I mean: they say "NO ASYLUM", she’s not omosexual.
-  But if an European citizen wants to host and to give a job to a foreign citizen, which is the problem?
-  Actually many persons wish to host Pegah at their houses and myself too I have sent an official will to Minister Pollastrini in Italy, writing her I wish to host Ms. Pegah as a member of my family (I’m not omosexual, I’m married with a daughter, but I’m not a nazist, dear great man).
-  Which is the legal opposition here?
-  I commonly host friends from Arabic Countries and I got for them visa to go here in Europe! And Pegah is just here!
-  Please reflect to this possibility.
-  He’s not charged with anything of not legal.
-  She just need a legal hosting in Europe, I think.

-  Thank you so much,
-  Salvatore Conte (Rome)
-  +39.334.9731301

-  (you find here my proposal to the Minister)

Hello Savlvatore:

-  Thanks for writing. Please attend the sit-in on Monday at the British embassy in Roma.
-  Two Italian gays, Matteo and Roberto, are organizing the demonstration in Roma.
-  Get in touch with them, even if you cannot make it to the demonstration.

-  Matteo:
-  Roberto:

I remain very hopeful the British will grant Pegah asylum and not deport her back to the murderers in Iran.

Keep in touch, Salvatore.

-  hugs,
-  michael

Re: Pegah: asylum and why not a simple hosting?

Dear Michael,

-  Thank you so much for your reply.
-  I think Matteo and Roberto and yourself too are Heroes as in the Epic Poems of Classical Age.
-  You are the confirm of an ancient model, an ancient challenge, where a holy woman is in the middle of a fight between opposite cosmic Entities.
-  Not everybody understands this and not everybody acts knowing this, but this is the theatre since millenias.
-  Sit-in informations were very soon published by Prof. Federico La Sala on his well-known journal on-line:
- directed by an Italian Representive at European Parliament, On.le Gianni Vattimo.
-  Prof. La Sala is following with great energy this terrible case. Grazie dal cuore Federico. Guarda se Gianni può fare il miracolo.
-  I feel very sad, I have not your braveness.
-  I thank you all for your incredible moral strenghtness.
-  Last time I tried to do something was for Simona Torretta when she was prisoner in Iraq. But that time the enemy was invisible.
-  It seems to me incredible to fight against UK Government as if it was the FARC army (relating to Ms. Betancourt) or a group of common bandits as for Ms. Torretta.
-  Anyway, the best thing is to have met you.
-  Ms. Ayari, my beloved friend, tells that - in such a way - we are not saving Pegah; Pegah is saving us. I think this is really true.
-  We, our society, are dying. Her life can save ours.
-  The Friends of Pegah can do great things, but now it’s forbidden to talk about it because they want to drink her blood.
-  With no more words and with no more energies.
-  Thanks to you all, Heroes of Human kind.

-  Salvatore
-  (Les Amis d’Elissa)

[Lunedì, 27/08/2007 - 13.14].

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