The case of Pegah Emambakhsh and the new frontiers of Human Rights
By Roberto Malini - EveryOne Group
The widespread international campaign to save Pegah Emambakhsh’s life,
which has involved governmental institutions, human rights organizations,
GLBT activist groups, intellectuals, experts in international law and millions
of people who have come to love Pegah, has succeeded in achieving a
positive outcome. Pegah is now serene, she is being assisted by a top legal
office, by the “Friends of Pegah Campaign” association (which the EveryOne
Group is proud to be part of) and has obtained the guarantee that her case will
undergo an objective reassessment. The meeting between the lawyers and
the magistrate was extremely positive and satisfactory.
Pegah’s face and her moving story has travelled the world and brought about
a new priority: to work all together to ensure that the international law that protects
refugees and guarantees asylum to those who are persecuted in their home country
is recognised by government and legal institutions, and then adhered to. There are
declarations, conventions, documents, appendages, international and local agreements
that regulate this delicate subject-matter, but the essential rule is very simple and all the
civilized countries have signed it: “If, due to discrimination, a human being risks in his own
country becoming the victim of physical or psychological ill-treatment, limitation of the
freedom of opinion and expression, torture, imprisonment, capital punishment,
he must be protected by the country he has taken refuge in, not be detained in prison
and in the shortest time possible granted political asylum”.
So simple, so difficult for those who don’t want to see. Another law that exists,
but not as well-known to governments is the following: “Any country that is able to grant freedom
and a dignified life to a refugee, must be able to offer that asylum in the event of the refugee
being turned down by the first country he or she has applied to.” The legal material on
Refugee Status and a Right to Asylum contains thousands of pages, yet it would be so simple
just to apply at least these two main principles.
There would be so much less injustice, and so fewer victims!
It is now time to reflect and remain calm. Pegah’s case could become
a symbol and help all governments to shed light on this delicate priority which is
so essential for the safeguarding of human rights. The horrors of history, genocides
and holocausts emerge slowly and develop when indifference reigns or when human
rights are forgotten or ignored by the authorities. We are all watchdogs of the
respect for human rights and each and every one of us - as Mark Twain wrote - is a patriot
and represents his own country when it fights for the observance of what one believes is right,
even if he is the last person to see where Truth and Justice lie.
If we defend the weak and help our governments not to lose the way of human rights, then we
will be patriots, we will be - with pride - representatives of our country and no one,
not even kings, not even presidents, can impose ideas on us that are far from Truth and Justice.
Let us now be watchful over the developments in Pegah’s case, but with faith and serenity,
because legality and truth have been restored.
A relaxed atmosphere will help Pegah’s lawyers and the magistrates carry out their work
with conscience. We are sure to receive some good news shortly.
The case of the Iranian woman, whose life and happiness we have taken to heart, will
help us to ensure similar cases in Germany, Holland, Japan, Italy and other countries
are also treated with justice, according to the human rights laws.
The EveryOne Group will remain in contact with Pegah’s representatives, with the
“Friends of Pegah Campaign” association, and contribute to maintaining a calm and constructive
climate, supplying information and updating when there is any news. In the meantime,
we are already working on other cases that concern the rights of the weakest.
Contact us, support us, work alongside us.
We live in a tormented world, where those who are poor, or different, those who suffer
are turned away, tortured, eliminated. We are sure that each and every one of you
will want to contribute towards changing things.
EveryOne Group, Founding Members:
Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro, Dario Picciau, Ahmad Rafat,
Arsham Parsi, Steed Gamero, Glenys Robinson, Fabio Patronelli.