Una nota a margine dell’articolo di Pietro Barbetta (Qeios, Aug 16, 2023),
"[...] It did not happen in Silvaplana - as it did to #Nietzsche - nor in the Death Valley - as it did to #Foucault. I was, maybe I still am, entangled within the middle-class petit-bourgeoise of the sub-province of a European Tribe.
When I felt my mind opening, I started to enjoy Foucault with all my senses. I learned not to get immediately to the point. I learned to avoid the paratactic style, to be curious and remain more focused on the text, as a reader, and writer, to enjoy the style and connect the singularity of each moment with the whole picture on the canvas, going back and forth between the details and the ensemble, coming back to the details with a new gaze. Systemic epistemology, in my view, starts with the History of Systems of Thought, a new topic to be taught - inaugurated by Foucault in 1970 - a new investigation of the social unconscious, the unconscious of the World, the same unconscious, always at work, called by #Deleuze and #Guattari: Desiring Machine.
I started to enjoy the Baroque style of writing, making theatre, movies, and music; following Foucault, #Blanchot, #Joyce, #Deleuze, #Pasolini, #Basaglia, #Magritte, Jackson #Pollock and many other figures of #Modernism; all of them contributed to unveiling the oppressed unconscious of the Weastern World, which is not the branded on and forced upon tiny, private unconscious concerning only the #triangle mom-dad-child.
After more than 50 years of frequenting these authors, and others, moment after moment I acquired the patience to create a space. Blanchot’s space is L’espace literaire. My modest - and less prestigious space - is the therapeutic space, a space where psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, in fleeing the so-called “scientific approach” can become a minor work of art of contemporary times." (cit.).
ANTROPOLOGIA COSMOLOGIA E PSICOANALISI: "SAPERE AUDE!"(KOENIGSBERG 1784 - KALININGRAD 2023). Ma, dopo Foucault (1984) e con Foucault, non resta ancora da accogliere in prima persona l’illuminante sollecitazione foucaultiana a riprendere la lezione di #Kant sull’illuminismo (1784) e, con #Freud e #Fachinelli, andare oltre l’orizzonte #edipico, "which is not the branded on and forced upon tiny, private unconscious concerning only the triangle mom-dad-child" (cit.), e uscire dallo stato di #claustrofilia e di #minorità planetario?! Non è il caso di ripensare, come ha tentato di fare #UmbertoEco, al "pendolo di [Leon] Foucault" [Parigi, 18 settembre 1819 - 11 febbraio 1868] e, al contempo, con #DanteAlighieri e #GalileoGalilei, portarsi fuori dall’aiuola "che ci fa tanto feroci" e dare il via a una seconda #rivoluzionecopernicana?