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RILEGGERE HAVELOCK PER RICOMPRENDERE (ANCORA E MEGLIO) PLATONE - E NOI. Una sintesi (in pdf) del suo importante lavoro - di Federico La Sala

(...) un contributo essenziale a meglio comprendere la mutazione mentale (Vernant) che diede origine a quell’intellettualismo astratto che i Greci chiamarono filosofia (...)
lunedì 19 settembre 2011 di Federico La Sala
La "Repubblica" di Platone - un documento fondamentale nella storia della cultura europea, non il manifesto di un’improbabile società utopica, ma il momento decisivo nellal otta contro la tradizione e la cultura orale, e in sieme il programma di un’epoca e di un tempo futuro (quelli stessi della storia dell’occidente, poi) [...] I percorsi critici della filosofia e dell’antropologia culturale, come le lotte di liberazione dei popoli di tradizione orale sopravvissuti ai vari imperialismi (da ricordare gli stessi indiani di America) sono del tutto fuori dall’ottica etno-logocentrica del lavoro - pur prezioso - di Havelock).

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> RILEGGERE HAVELOCK PER RICOMPRENDERE (ANCORA E MEGLIO) PLATONE - E NOI. --- "The Point of Being" (di Derrick de Kerckhove e Cristina Miranda de Almeida - 2014

mercoledì 10 febbraio 2021

The Point of Being

Edited by

Derrick de Kerckhove and Cristina Miranda de Almeida

Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014

      • Current digital processes of production, reproduction and distribution of information affect the perception of time, space, matter, senses and identity. This book explores the research question: what are the psycho-physiological dimensions of the ways people experience their presence in the world and the world’s presence in them? Because they deal principally with issues of perception and sentience, with a particular emphasis on art, there is in all chapters an invitation to experience a shift of perception. An embodied sensation of the world and a re-sensorialization of the environment are described to complement the visually-biased perspective with a renewed sense of humans’ relationship to their spatial and material surrounding. As such, this book presents the topological reunion of sensation and cognition, of sense and sensibility and of body, self and world.

      • The perception of the “Point of Being”, to which the various chapters of this book invite the reader, proposes an alternative to the “Point of View” inherited from the Renaissance; it offers a way to situate the sense of self through the physical, digital and electronic domains that shape physical, social, cultural, economic and spiritual conditions at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

      • Nine authors explore different ways in which the paradigm of the Point of Being can bridge the interval, the discontinuity, between subjects and objects that began with the diffusion of the phonetic alphabet. The Point of Being is a signpost on that journey.


List of Figures............................................................................................ vii

Acknowledgements .................................................................................... ix
-  Derrick de Kerckhove and Cristina Miranda de Almeida

Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
-  Derrick de Kerckhove and Cristina Miranda de Almeida

Chapter One ................................................................................................. 9
-  The Point of Being
-  Derrick de Kerckhove

Chapter Two .............................................................................................. 61
-  Orbanism
-  Rosane Araújo

Chapter Three ............................................................................................ 79
-  Toward the Reunion of Sense and Sensibility: The Body in the Age of Electronic Trans-nature
-  Gaetano Mirabella

Chapter Four ............................................................................................ 103
-  The Interval as a New Approach to Interfaces: Towards a Cognitive and Aesthetic Paradigm of Communication in the Performing Arts
-  Isabelle Choinière

Chapter Five ............................................................................................ 147 The Aesthetics of the Between in Korean Culture
-  Jung A Huh

Chapter Six .............................................................................................. 165
-  Sensing without Sensing: Could Virtual Reality Support Korean Rituals?
-  Semi Ryu

Chapter Seven .......................................................................................... 197
-  Between Sense and Intellect: Blindness and the Strength of Inner Vision
-  Loretta Secchi

Chapter Eight ........................................................................................... 213
-  The Connective Heart
-  Cristina Miranda de Almeida

Chapter Nine ............................................................................................ 297
-  Quantum-Inspired Spirituality: Merging Science and Religion in the Post-Galilean Period
-  Maria Luisa Malerba

Editors and Contributors .......................................................................... 335

Index ........................................................................................................ 341

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